
April 12, 2024  |  asm c   |  GitHub

What is the easiest way to draw pixels to the screen on a modern Linux system?

I have had this question bouncing around in the back of my mind for a long time. Some time ago I made a few tiny applications that displayed images using the /dev/fb0 device. Unfortunately, fbdev is a legacy subsystem that won't always be present. Fortunately, the modern Direct Rendering Manager subsystem provides corresponding functionality via "dumb buffer" objects.

The DumbCycle game in action

DumbCycle is a minimal game that I created using the Direct Rendering Manager subsystem of Linux. In order to meet my criteria it had to:

  • run on any1 modern x86_64 Linux machine with working video card and keyboard drivers;
  • compile with any C compiler that supports the C99 standard (or later);
  • link with a basic x86_64 assembly runtime (no libc or other libraries).

The above restrictions made C preprocesser directives mostly unnecessary, so none were be used. I.e. #include, #define, etc. were not allowed.

Code for the finished game is available on GitHub. Each commit corresponds to a section of this article.


To build the game you will need a C compiler that supports at least the C99 standard, e.g. gcc, clang, zig cc, cproc. You will also need make and binutils for the as assembler and ld linker. To run the virtual test environment discussed later in the article you will need QEMU.

By design the game will only build for x86_64 Linux. On Windows the default Ubuntu WSL installation should work as a development environment after adding the build-essential and qemu-system packages. If you don't have an x86_64 Linux or Windows system then you will need cross-compilation tools and a virtual machine, e.g. musl-cross-make and QEMU.

Creating an executable: an entry point in assembly

To link a basic ELF executable on Linux we need to define an entry point symbol that runs our code and then calls the exit system call. The default entry point symbol is _start which we will define in the file src/runtime.s.

.extern _cstart
.global _start
    xor %rbp, %rbp
    mov (%rsp), %rdi
    mov %rsp, %rsi
    add $8, %rsi
    call _cstart

.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

Linux follows the System V ABI. The ABI states that at the start of process execution the stack pointer register rsp will contain a 16 byte aligned pointer to the top of the stack. The stack will contain a positive 32-bit integer indicating the number of program argument strings, followed by a null-terminated array of string pointers of the given length. Other values may also be present further up the stack, but we can ignore them for our purposes.

We first zero out the base pointer rbp to mark that this is the top stack frame of our process. Next we copy the argument count from the stack into the first parameter register rdi and compute a pointer to the array of argument string pointers in the second parameter register rsi. Finally, we call the function _cstart that will be defined in src/main.c. An undefined instruction ud2 is inserted following the call to _cstart to crash the program if _cstart happens to return. The .note.GNU-stack section indicates to the assembler that the stack memory should not be executable.

We'll also create a src/main.c file with a dummy _cstart function.

void _cstart(int argc, char **argv) {}

Next, let's add a simple Makefile to build the executable.

CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -fno-stack-protector
LD = ld
AS = as

all: dumb_cycle
clean: clean_dumb_cycle

dumb_cycle: src/main.o src/runtime.o
        $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o dumb_cycle src/main.o src/runtime.o
clean_dumb_cycle: clean_main clean_runtime
        rm -f dumb_cycle

src/main.o: src/main.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o src/main.o src/main.c
        rm -f src/main.o

src/runtime.o: src/runtime.s
        $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o src/runtime.o src/runtime.s
        rm -f src/runtime.o

If we build and run our program it should terminate with an illegal instruciton.

$ make
$ ./dumb_cycle
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Exiting without crashing: Linux system calls

In order to exit from our process without crashing we need to invoke the Linux exit system call. A system call is made using the syscall instruction, similar to calling a function in assembly with the call instruction. Rather than specifying a function address to jump to, however, syscall instead looks at the rax register for the number of the system call to execute. Arguments are passed in registers similar to function calls, but the register order is slightly different (see the System V ABI).

We will define a set of assembly functions to call from C that will execute system calls. The first argument to each function will be the system call number. Linux syscalls may have up to six arguments, so we will implement a separete function for each possible argument count. The registers are re-arranged to place the syscall number in rax and the remaining arguments into the appropriate syscall argument registers2.

.global syscall0
    movq %rdi, %rax
.type syscall0, @function
.size syscall0, .-syscall0

.global syscall1
    movq %rdi, %rax
    movq %rsi, %rdi
.type syscall1, @function
.size syscall1, .-syscall1

.global syscall2
    movq %rdi, %rax
    movq %rsi, %rdi
    movq %rdx, %rsi
.type syscall2, @function
.size syscall2, .-syscall2

.global syscall3
    movq %rdi, %rax
    movq %rsi, %rdi
    movq %rdx, %rsi
    movq %rcx, %rdx
.type syscall3, @function
.size syscall3, .-syscall3

.global syscall4
    movq %rdi, %rax
    movq %rsi, %rdi
    movq %rdx, %rsi
    movq %rcx, %rdx
    movq %r8, %r10
.type syscall4, @function
.size syscall4, .-syscall4

.global syscall5
    movq %rdi, %rax
    movq %rsi, %rdi
    movq %rdx, %rsi
    movq %rcx, %rdx
    movq %r8, %r10
    movq %r9, %r8
.type syscall5, @function
.size syscall5, .-syscall5

.global syscall6
    movq %r9, %r11
    movq %rdi, %rax
    movq 8(%rsp), %r9
    movq %rsi, %rdi
    movq %rdx, %rsi
    movq %rcx, %rdx
    movq %r8, %r10
    movq %r11, %r8
.type syscall6, @function
.size syscall6, .-syscall6

Now we can define a function stub for each syscall function. I like to refer to basic C types by short sign-and-size aliases, so we will also add a typedef statement for each relevant type.

typedef short i16;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef int i32;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef long i64;
typedef unsigned long u64;

u64 syscall0(u64 scid);
u64 syscall1(u64 scid, u64 a1);
u64 syscall2(u64 scid, u64 a1, u64 a2);
u64 syscall3(u64 scid, u64 a1, u64 a2, u64 a3);
u64 syscall4(u64 scid, u64 a1, u64 a2, u64 a3, u64 a4);
u64 syscall5(u64 scid, u64 a1, u64 a2, u64 a3, u64 a4, u64 a5);
u64 syscall6(u64 scid, u64 a1, u64 a2, u64 a3, u64 a4, u64 a5, u64 a6);

enum syscall {
    SYS_EXIT = 60,

static void exit(i32 error_code) {
    syscall1(SYS_EXIT, (u64)error_code);

void _cstart(i32 argc, char **argv) {

To make a specific system call we need to pass the corresponding syscall number as the first parameter. A quick and simple way to find the exit syscall number and required arguments is to use grep to search the Linux source.

$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/torvalds/linux.git
$ cat linux/arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl | grep "exit"
60      common  exit                    sys_exit
231     common  exit_group              sys_exit_group
$ grep -rn "SYSCALL_DEFINE.\?(exit," linux/
linux/kernel/exit.c:992:SYSCALL_DEFINE1(exit, int, error_code)

The syscall number for exit is 60 and it takes a single integer error_code argument. The error code indicates whether the process completed successfully or encounterd an error.

$ make
$ ./dumb_cycle

Our executable now exits cleanly!

Greeting the world: error handling and file descriptors

Exiting cleanly is nice, but it would be even nicer to have some input and output. Before defining C functions to make the write system call, we will need to write a little boilerplate to manage error handling.

The standard way for system calls to return error values is to place a value between -4095 and -1 in the return register3. It is therefore necessary to test if the return value of a system call fits in this range and, if so, extract the error code.

enum syscall {
    SYS_WRITE = 1,
    SYS_EXIT = 60,

enum error_code {
    EINTR = 4,

static i32 syscall_error(u64 return_value) {
    if (return_value > -4096UL) {
        return (i32)(-return_value);
    return 0;

static i64 write(i32 fd, char *bytes, i64 bytes_len) {
    u64 return_value;
    i32 error;
    do {
        return_value = syscall3(SYS_WRITE, (u64)fd, (u64)bytes, (u64)bytes_len);
        error = syscall_error(return_value);
    } while (error == EINTR);
    if (error != 0) {
        return -error;
    return (i64)return_value;

There is one particular syscall error that often needs special handling: EINTR. The EINTR error has code 4 on x86_64 and indicates that the system call was interrupted by a signal. If we hit an EINTR error code we should retry the given syscall.

Now we can write a classic greeting program. The first argument we need to pass to the write syscall is the file descriptor that we want to write to. There are three file descriptors that are open by default for all processes: descriptor 0 is standared input, descriptor 1 is standard output, and descriptor 2 is standard error.

enum std_fd {
    STDIN = 0,
    STDOUT = 1,
    STDERR = 2,

enum main_error {

i32 main(i32 argc, char **argv) {
    char greeting[] = "Hello, World!\n";
    i64 len = write(STDOUT, greeting, sizeof(greeting));
    if (len < 0){
    return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;

void _cstart(i32 argc, char **argv) {
    exit(main(argc, argv));

Building and running we should now receive a friendly message.

$ make
$ ./dumb_cycle
Hello, World!

Accessing the filesystem

Almost everything in Linux is treated as a file, and thus we will need some system calls to access the file system: read, open and close.

enum syscall {
    SYS_READ = 0,
    SYS_WRITE = 1,
    SYS_OPEN = 2,
    SYS_CLOSE = 3,
    SYS_EXIT = 60,
static i64 read(i32 fd, char *bytes, i64 bytes_len) {
    u64 return_value;
    i32 error;
    do {
        return_value = syscall3(SYS_READ, (u64)fd, (u64)bytes, (u64)bytes_len);
        error = syscall_error(return_value);
    } while (error == EINTR);
    if (error != 0) {
        return -error;
    return (i64)return_value;
enum open_mode {
    O_RDONLY = 0,
    O_WRONLY = 1,
    O_RDWR = 2,

static i32 open(char *fname, i32 mode, i32 flags) {
    u64 return_value;
    i32 error;
    do {
        return_value = syscall3(SYS_OPEN, (u64)fname, (u64)mode, (u64)flags);
        error = syscall_error(return_value);
    } while (error == EINTR);

    if (error != 0) {
        return -error;
    return (i32)return_value;

static i32 close(i32 fd) {
    u64 return_value;
    i32 error;
    do {
        return_value = syscall1(SYS_CLOSE, (u64)fd);
        error = syscall_error(return_value);
    } while (error == EINTR);
    return error;

We can now open files, read and write to them, and close them. For a simple example we will have our program try to open a file name.txt. If the file opens successfuly, the program will read the contents into the name character array. If the file fails to open, the program will ask the user to enter a name and then read the name from the standard input instead. Finally, the program will print a greeting using the given name.

enum main_error {

i32 main(i32 argc, char **argv) {
   i64 len;
   i32 name_fd = open("name.txt", O_RDONLY, 0);
   if (name_fd < 0) {
       char question[] = "What is your name?\n";
       len = write(STDOUT, question, sizeof(question));
       if (len < 0){
           return MAIN_ERROR_WRITE_STDOUT;
       name_fd = STDIN;

   char name[255];
   i64 name_len = read(name_fd, name, sizeof(name));
   if (name_len < 0) {
       return MAIN_ERROR_READ_NAME;

   char greeting1[] = "Hello ";
   len = write(STDOUT, greeting1, sizeof(greeting1) - 1);
   if (len < 0) {

   len = write(STDOUT, name, name_len);
   if (len < 0) {

   return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;

We can now run and test that both methods work correctly.

$ make
$ ./dumb_cycle
What is your name?
Hello Aven
$ echo "Aven" > name.txt
$ ./dumb_cycle
Hello Aven

Keeping time: the clock_gettime system call

To manage game updates and draw frames we will need some method to track how much time has passed. The standard Linux system call for tracking time in high resolution is clock_gettime.

enum syscall {
    // ...
enum clock_id {

struct timespec {
    i64 sec;
    i64 nsec;

static i32 clock_gettime(i32 clock_id, struct timespec *timespec) {
    u64 return_value = syscall2(
    return syscall_error(return_value);

static i64 time_since_ns(struct timespec *end, struct timespec *start) {
    i64 seconds = end->sec - start->sec;
    return (seconds * 1000L * 1000L * 1000L) + end->nsec - start->nsec;

The clock_gettime system call takes a clock ID and writes the current timestamp from the given clock into the provided timespec output parameter. In order to track time we will call clock_gettime to get two timestamps and compute the time since with time_since_ns.

It is quite inefficient to make a full system call for clock_gettime since such a call would usually be made using VDSO. However, I have decided that the runtime setup required for VDSO calls is beyond the scope of this singularly focused article.

enum main_error {

i32 main(i32 argc, char **argv) {
    struct timespec last, now;
    i32 error = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &last);
    if (error) {

    i64 len;
    i32 steps = 0;
    while (steps < 5) {
        i32 error = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
        if (error) {
            return MAIN_ERROR_CLOCK_GETTIME;

        if (time_since_ns(&now, &last) >= 1000L * 1000L * 1000L) {
            last = now;
            steps += 1;

            len = write(STDOUT, ".", 1);
            if (len < 0) {
                return MAIN_ERROR_WRITE_STDOUT;

    len = write(STDOUT, "\n", 1);
    if (len < 0) {

    return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;

Our program now prints a dot every second for five seconds.

$ make
$ ./dumb_cycle

Detecting user input: the poll syscall

In order to run a game loop we will need to be able to read user input while updating the game state and rendering the screen. To accomplish this we will need some way of detecting when user input is available to read from a given file descriptor. There are many different ways to accomplish this on Linux, but the poll system call is simple and suits our use case perfectly.

enum syscall {
    // ...
    SYS_POLL = 7,
    // ...
enum poll_event {
    POLLIN = 1,

struct pollfd {
    i32 fd;
    i16 events;
    i16 revents;

static i32 poll(struct pollfd *fds, i64 fds_len, i32 time_ms) {
    u64 return_value;
    i32 error;
    do {
        return_value = syscall3(SYS_POLL, (u64)fds, (u64)fds_len, (u64)time_ms);
        error = syscall_error(return_value);
    } while (error == EINTR);
    if (error != 0) {
        return -error;
    return (i32)return_value;

The poll syscall takes an array of struct pollfd values, the length of the array, and a number of milliseconds to wait for an event to occur. The pollfd struct stores a file descriptor fd to monitor, a 16 bit integer events indicating which events to poll for, and a corresponding field revents where the events that actually occurred will be written. We will only be looking for the POLLIN event that signals when a file descriptor has data available to be read.

As an example we can change our program to poll for data on the standard input file descriptor while it loops printing elipses.

enum main_error {

i32 main(i32 argc, char **argv) {
    char greeting[] = "Enter a message to exit.\n";
    i64 len = write(STDOUT, greeting, sizeof(greeting) - 1);
    if (len < 0) {

    struct timespec last, now;
    i32 error = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &last);
    if (error) {

    struct pollfd stdin_pollfd = { .fd = STDIN, .events = POLLIN, };

    i32 steps = 0;
    while (1) {
        i64 events = poll(&stdin_pollfd, 1, 0);
        if (events < 0) {
            return MAIN_ERROR_POLL;

        if (events > 0) {
            char dummy_buffer[255];
            read(STDIN, dummy_buffer, sizeof(dummy_buffer));

        i32 error = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
        if (error) {
            return MAIN_ERROR_CLOCK_GETTIME;

        if (time_since_ns(&now, &last) >= 1000L * 1000L * 1000L) {
            last = now;
            steps += 1;

            len = write(STDOUT, ".", 1);
            if (len < 0) {
                return MAIN_ERROR_WRITE_STDOUT;

    return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;

We now have an application that will continually print '.' characters until the user enters a message.

$ make
$ ./dumb_cycle
Enter a message to exit.

Making memory: pages and arenas

It is often necessary to allocate memory during runtime, such as when it isn’t known at compile time how much space a block of data will take up. In standard C dynamic memory allocation is accomplished using the malloc or calloc functions from libc. Since we aren’t linking with libc, we will build a very simple memory allocation scheme from scratch.

The basic way to request memory from the operating system on Linux is the mmap system call.

enum syscall {
    // ...
    SYS_MMAP = 9,
    // ...
enum mmap_prot {
    PROT_READ = 1,
    PROT_WRITE = 2,

enum mmap_flag {
    MAP_SHARED = 0x01,
    MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x20,

static void *mmap(
    void *hint,
    i64 size,
    i32 prot,
    i32 flags,
    i32 fd,
    i64 offset
) {
    u64 return_value = syscall6(
    i32 error = syscall_error(return_value);
    if (error != 0) {
        return 0;
    return (void *)return_value;

An mmap call asks the operating system to allocate contiguous blocks of virtual memory called pages. On Linux a memory page is 4096 bytes. The hint argument suggests a virtual address to start the allocation. The prot argument tells the OS what permissions the allocated memory should have, e.g. whether it is readable (PROT_READ) and/or writable (PROT_WRITE). The flags argument indicates other properties of the allocation such as whether the mapped memory is shared with child processes (MAP_SHARED) and/or not backed by a file descriptor (MAP_ANONYMOUS). The fd flag is used to provide a backing file descriptor and the offset flag indicates where in the associated file the mapping should start.

Making a call to mmap for every allocation is slow (system calls take much longer than function calls) and wasteful (we must allocate multiples of 4096 bytes). Both problems can be solved with memory arenas, also known as bump allocators. An arena is a simple struct that stores a pair of pointers: one to the start of a block of memory, and one to the end of the block. We will create a new src/mem.c file that will contain our arena code.

typedef long i64;
typedef unsigned long u64;

struct arena {
    char *start;
    char *end;

void *alloc(struct arena *arena, i64 size) {
    i64 available = arena->end - arena->start;
    if (size > available) {
        return 0;
    char *p = arena->start;
    arena->start += size;
    for (i64 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        p[i] = 0;
    return p;

To “allocate” memory from an arena, we simply check that there is enough space and then return the start pointer, setting the new start to point at the spot in memory just after the allocated chunk.

Some C types are expected to be n byte aligned in memory, i.e. have a memory address that is evenly divisible by n. On x86_64 Linux the maximum alignment required by any type is 16 bytes, so we will simply ensure that our arena allocator aligns all pointers to 16 bytes.

void *alloc(struct arena *arena, i64 size) {
    i64 available = arena->end - arena->start;
    i64 padding = -(i64)arena->start & (16 - 1);
    if (size > (available - padding)) {
        return 0;
    char *p = arena->start + padding;
    arena->start = p + size;
    for (i64 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        p[i] = 0;
    return p;

We’ll need to add build steps for src/mem.c to our Makefile.

dumb_cycle: src/main.o src/mem.o src/runtime.o
        $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o dumb_cycle src/main.o src/mem.o src/runtime.o
clean_dumb_cycle: clean_main clean_mem clean_runtime
        rm -f dumb_cycle

src/mem.o: src/mem.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o src/mem.o src/mem.c
        rm -f src/mem.o

Now we can make one mmap call at the start of our program and create an 8MB arena large enough for all our dynamic memory allocations.

struct arena {
    char *start;
    char *end;

void *alloc(struct arena *arena, i64 size);

enum main_error {

i32 main(i32 argc, char **argv) {
    i64 arena_size = 2000 * 4096;
    char *mem = mmap(
    if (mem == 0) {
        return MAIN_ERROR_MMAP;

    struct arena arena = { .start = mem, .end = mem + arena_size };
    char *buf = 0;
    i64 buf_len = 0;

    return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;

You may be wondering why we created a separate src/mem.c file. The truth is that it would almost certainly be fine to place the definition of the alloc function directly in the src/main.c file, but it would not be strictly correct according to the C99 standard.

When you write data into memory that has no declared type, e.g. memory returned by mmap, the memory assumes the effective type of the data that was written to it. A new write to the same memory can change the effective type again, but the memory will not return to its initial untyped state.

With an arena it may be the case that the same memory is used for different purposes, e.g. if a temporary copy of an arena is used in a confined scope. If alloc was defined within the same translation unit as the code that calls it, then the C compiler might deduce at compile time that memory is being re-used. In such a case a void * returned by a call to alloc would point to memory that has an effective type from a prior write.

In most cases it is fine if the memory returned by alloc has an effective type: we will almost always explicitly write data into allocated memory before we read from it. Unfortunately, in the next section we will run into a situation where technicalities arise.

For a contrived example of how issues crop up, let us suppose that we have an arena set up as shown above and we run into the following situation.

    struct arena temp_arena = arena;
    float *f = alloc(&temp_arena, sizeof(*f));
    *f = 3.1415f;
int *i = alloc(&arena, sizeof(*i));
int x = *i;

The implemenation of foo is defined in a separate translation unit as follows.

void foo(int *i) {
    *i = 42;
While we know that calling foo(i) writes an int to *i, the C compiler does not know about this write. The compiler will instead believe the effective type of the memory pointed to by i to be float: the last write it can see to that memory is *f = 3.1415f. Thus dereferencing i to read an int value is technically undefined behavior.

If the memory returned by alloc had no declared or effective type, then dereferencing i to read an int value would be perfectly fine: it is valid to read untyped memory through a typed pointer so long as it does in fact contain a valid representation for that type. By defining alloc in a separate translation unit we force the compiler to consider each call to alloc as returning a pointer to unknown memory with no declared type.

Interacting with I/O devices: the ioctl system call

Our game will need to receive keyboard input and draw pixels to the screen. Both of these tasks will require the ioctl system call, short for “input output control.”

enum syscall {
    // ...
    SYS_IOCTL = 16,
    // ...
enum ioctl_dir {
    IOCTL_WRITE = 1,
    IOCTL_READ = 2,
    IOCTL_RDWR = 3,

static i32 ioctl(i32 fd, u32 dir, u32 type, u32 number, u32 size, char *arg) {
    u32 number_bits = number & 0xff;
    u32 type_bits = (type & 0xff) << 8;
    u32 size_bits = (size & 0x3fff) << 16;
    u32 dir_bits = (dir & 0x3) << 30;
    u32 request = dir_bits | size_bits | type_bits | number_bits;

    u64 return_value;
    i32 error;
    do {
        return_value = syscall3(SYS_IOCTL, (u64)fd, (u64)request, (u64)arg);
        error = syscall_error(return_value);
    } while (error == EINTR);
    return error;

The fd argument is the file descriptor of the device in question. The dir argument indicates whether the request is writing and/or reading. The type argument indicates the the high level type of the request, e.g. a DRM request. The number parameter indicates the specific request being made for the given type. Finally, size indicates the size in bytes of the data pointed to by arg.

Instead of taking dir, type, number, and size arguments, the standard C ioctl implementation will take a single request integer argument. It is expected that callers will use C macros to pre-pack the bits of the request. Since we are not using C macros in this project, and we are aiming for clarity over performance, it makes more sense for us to pass each part of the request separately and then pack the request in the ioctl function.

Keyboard input: finding and reading keyboard devices

Reading from the standard input works for text lines, but for realtime key presses we really need direct access to the keyboard device.

If the /dev fileystem has been mounted correctly then a /dev/input directory will exist and contain a file for each input device. We don’t know which file corresponds to the keyboard that the user will actually be pressing keys on, so we’ll simply have to iterate through all of them and open a file descriptor for each device that might be a keyboard.

enum ioctl_type {
    IOCTL_EV = (i32)'E',

enum ev_ioctl {
    EV_IOCTL_GET_BIT = 0x20,
    EV_IOCTL_GET_KEY = 0x21,
    EV_IOCTL_GRAB = 0x90,

enum ev_bits {
    EV_KEY = 0x1,
    EV_MAX = 0x1f,

enum ev_key_bits {
    KEY_ESC = 1,
    KEY_W = 17,
    KEY_A = 30,
    KEY_S = 31,
    KEY_D = 32,
    KEY_MAX = 0x2ff

static i32 test_bit(char *bytes, i32 len, i32 bit_num) {
    i32 byte_index = bit_num / 8;
    i32 bit_index = bit_num % 8;
    if (byte_index >= len) {
        return 0;

    return (bytes[byte_index] & (1 << bit_index)) != 0;

static i32 is_keyboard(i32 fd) {
    char evio_bits[EV_MAX / 8 + 1];
    i32 error = ioctl(
    if (error != 0) {
        return 0;
    if (!test_bit(evio_bits, sizeof(evio_bits), EV_KEY)) {
        return 0;

    char evio_key_bits[KEY_MAX / 8 + 1];
    error = ioctl(
    if (error != 0) {
        return 0;
    if (
        test_bit(evio_key_bits, sizeof(evio_key_bits), KEY_ESC) &&    
        test_bit(evio_key_bits, sizeof(evio_key_bits), KEY_W) &&
        test_bit(evio_key_bits, sizeof(evio_key_bits), KEY_A) &&
        test_bit(evio_key_bits, sizeof(evio_key_bits), KEY_S) &&
        test_bit(evio_key_bits, sizeof(evio_key_bits), KEY_D)
    ) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

To determine whether a given file represents a keyboard device we need to check whether it produces key events and then check whether it has the keys that we need for our game, namely ESC, W, A, S, and D. Checking such properties requires passing an array of bytes as the arg output parameter to an ioctl syscall, and then testing whether which bits in the array have been set.

The test_bit helper function takes an array of bytes and a bit index, returning 1 if the given bit is set in the provided array, and 0 otherwise.

Next we will write the open_keyboards function to acquire sole access to all available input devices that could be the user’s keyboard. We will use the getdents system call to iterate over all of the files in /dev/input.

enum syscall {
    // ...
    SYS_GETDENTS = 78,
    // ...
struct dirent {
    u64 ino;
    u64 off;
    u16 reclen;
    char name[];

static i64 getdents(i32 fd, struct dirent *dents, i64 dents_size) {
    u64 return_value = syscall3(
    i32 error = syscall_error(return_value);
    if (error != 0) {
        return -error;
    return (i64)return_value;

The getdents system call writes a struct dirent object into the provided block of memory for each file in the given directory. The system call is designed to be called repeatedly until a value of zero is returned indicating that all directory entries have been read. A struct dirent object contains an inode number, a filesystem specific offset value, the total size of the dirent object, and a null terminated string for the filename.

static i32 open_keyboards(
    struct arena temp_arena,
    i32 *keyboards,
    i32 keyboards_capacity
) {
    char input_dir[] = "/dev/input";
    i32 input_dir_fd = open(input_dir, O_RDONLY, 0);
    if (input_dir_fd < 0) {
        return -1;

    void *dents = alloc(&temp_arena, 1024);
    char path_buffer[sizeof(input_dir) + 1024];
    for (i32 i = 0; i < sizeof(input_dir); ++i) {
        path_buffer[i] = input_dir[i];
    path_buffer[sizeof(input_dir) - 1] = '/';
    char *name_buffer = &path_buffer[sizeof(input_dir)];

    i64 dents_pos = 0;
    i64 dents_len = 0;
    i32 keyboards_len = 0;
    while (keyboards_len < keyboards_capacity) {
        if (dents_pos >= dents_len) {
            dents_len = getdents(input_dir_fd, dents, 1024);
            if (dents_len <= 0) {

        struct dirent *dent = (void *)((char *)dents + dents_pos);
        i32 dent_name_len = dent->reclen - (dent->name - (char *)dent);
        for (i32 i = 0; i < den_name_len; ++i) {
            name_buffer[i] = dent->name[i];
        dents_pos += dent->reclen;

        i32 keyboard_fd = open(path_buffer, O_RDONLY, 0);
        if (keyboard_fd >= 0 && !is_keyboard(keyboard_fd)) {

        i32 error = ioctl(
            (char *)1
        if (error != 0) {

        keyboards[keyboards_len] = keyboard_fd;
        keyboards_len += 1;

    return keyboards_len;

Acquiring a keyboard involves making another ioctl call, this time indicating that our process wants to take sole control over reading input events. Each acquired keyboard file descriptor will be written into a caller provided keyboards array output parameter.

It may seem strange that we use an arena to dynamically allocate memory for the fixed size 1024 byte dirents buffer. The reason for this is subtle and directly related to the effective type issue discussed in the making memory section above.

During the getdents syscall the operating system will write zero or more struct dirent entries into the memory pointed to by dents. Since we don’t a priori know the size of each entry (struct dirent has a flexible array member) we can’t create a stack object with the correct type declared. The memory pointed to by the void * returned from alloc has no declared type and there are no writes visible to our translation unit. Thus we are free to read the memory via a struct dirent pointer.

Now that we have at least one keyboard, we can poll for key press events.

struct input_event {
    struct timespec time;
    u16 type;
    u16 code;
    i32 value;

enum main_error {

i32 main(i32 argc, char **argv) {
    i64 arena_size = 2000 * 4096;
    char *mem = mmap(
    if (mem == 0) {
        return MAIN_ERROR_MMAP;

    struct arena arena = { .start = mem, .end = mem + arena_size };

    char greeting[] = "Press ESC exit.\n";
    i64 len = write(STDOUT, greeting, sizeof(greeting) - 1);
    if (len < 0) {

    struct timespec last, now;
    i32 error = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &last);
    if (error) {

    i32 keyboards[32];
    i32 keyboards_len = open_keyboards(
        sizeof(keyboards) / sizeof(*keyboards)
    if (keyboards_len <= 0) {

    struct input_event keyboard_events[32];
    struct pollfd keyboard_pollfds[32];
    for (i32 i = 0; i < keyboards_len; ++i) {
        keyboard_pollfds[i].fd = keyboards[i];
        keyboard_pollfds[i].events = POLLIN;

    while (1) {
        i64 events = poll(keyboard_pollfds, keyboards_len, 0);
        if (events < 0) {
            return MAIN_ERROR_POLL;

        for (i32 i = 0; i < keyboards_len; ++i) {
            if (keyboard_pollfds[i].revents == 0) {
            i32 keyboard_fd = keyboard_pollfds[i].fd;

            i64 len = read(
                (char *)keyboard_events,
            if (len < 0) {
                return MAIN_ERROR_READ_KEYBOARD;

            for (i32 i = 0; i < len / (i64)sizeof(*keyboard_events); ++i) {
                struct input_event *keyboard_event = &keyboard_events[i];
                if (keyboard_event->type == 1 && keyboard_event->value == 1) {
                    switch (keyboard_event->code) {
                        case KEY_ESC:
                            return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;

        i32 error = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
        if (error) {
            return MAIN_ERROR_CLOCK_GETTIME;

        if (time_since_ns(&now, &last) >= 1000L * 1000L * 1000L) {
            last = now;

            len = write(STDOUT, ".", 1);
            if (len < 0) {
                return MAIN_ERROR_WRITE_STDOUT;

    return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;

Our program will now print a dot every second until the user presses the ESC key. Note that this program needs to have permissions to open and acqure keyboard devices from /dev/input, so non-root users will likely need to run with sudo ./dumb_cycle.

Testing graphics: a basic Linux virtual machine

The DumbCycle game will run directly on the Linux Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) driver and take over an entire screen along with the system keyboard. Because of this, it is not desirable (or generally possible) to test the game on a system that is already running a traditional X11 or Wayland window manager.

Luckliy, building a bare-bones Linux system and running it in a QEMU virtual machine is fairly simple to acomplish. Testing the game on such a basic system will also help to ensure that the game only depends on the Linux kernel and the corresponding drivers.

In order to boot a Linux system to run our game we need a kernel and a method to set up /dev/ with at least /dev/dri/ and /dev/input/. If we want to do any sort of debugging, even “printf debugging,” we will also need a shell and some command line utilites.

I have precompiled binaries available for the linux kernel and toybox, but source is available to build each from scratch. We’ll add the following rule to our Makefile to download and extract the vm directory.

        curl -o vm.tar.gz https://musing.permutationlock.com/static/vm.tar.gz
        tar -xvf vm.tar.gz

After running make vm you should have a vm directory containing a kernel and an inital RAM filesystem. The filesystem contains a /bin directory set up with toybox and an init script to mount the /dev, /proc, and /sys directories and run dumb_cycle in a /bin/sh shell.

The easiest way to get graphical output from a QEMU virtual machine is to use a vnc client like tiger vnc which provides the vncviewer binary.

We will add a make test directive to our Makefile that builds the game binary, copies it into the VM’s filesystem, runs it in the VM, and views it with vncviewer.

test: dumb_cycle vm
        cp dumb_cycle vm/fs/bin/dumb_cycle
        cd vm; ./mkinitfs.sh
        qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel vm/vmlinuz -initrd vm/initramfs \
                -vga std -no-reboot & sleep 1 && vncviewer :5900

The long road to pixels: connectors, encoders, and CRTCs

With a runtime entry point, file input and output, memory allocation, ioctl requests, keyboard input, and a virtual machine test environment, we are finally ready to look at drawing to the screen.

In order to draw to the screen on a modern Linux system we will need to use the Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) subsystem, specifically Kernel Mode Setting (KMS). The standard user space library for interacting with the DRM is libdrm. The code that we will implement in this section was designed using the libdrm C source code as an API reference.

Drawing a picture to the screen requires a DRM object called a CRTC, a legacy acronym for Cathode-Ray Tube Controller. A CRTC connects a buffer of pixel data to a display. To get a CRTC working we’ll need to open a video card (generally found in /dev/dri/), find a connector for the card, find an encoder for the connector, and finally retrieve a CRTC for the encoder.

The first step is to get the available resources for our video card. We will use /dev/dri/card0 since this will be the correct card to use for the majority of systems.

enum ioctl_type {
    IOCTL_EV = (i32)'E',
    IOCTL_DRM = (i32)'d',
enum drm_ioctl {

struct drm_mode_resources {
    u32 *fbs;
    u32 *crtcs;
    u32 *connectors;
    u32 *encoders;

    u32 fbs_len;
    u32 crtcs_len;
    u32 connectors_len;
    u32 encoders_len;

    u32 min_width;
    u32 max_width;
    u32 min_height;
    u32 max_height;

static struct drm_mode_resources *drm_mode_get_resources(
    struct arena *arena,
    i32 fd
) {
    struct drm_mode_resources prev_res;
    struct drm_mode_resources *res;
    struct arena temp_arena;
    i32 error;

    do {
        temp_arena = *arena;
        res = alloc(&temp_arena, sizeof(*res));
        if (res == 0) {
            return 0;
        error = ioctl(
            (char *)res
        if (error != 0) {
            return 0;

        prev_res = *res;

        if (res->fbs_len > 0) {
            res->fbs = alloc(&temp_arena, res->fbs_len * sizeof(*res->fbs));
            if (res->fbs == 0) {
                return 0;
        if (res->crtcs_len > 0) {
            res->crtcs = alloc(
                res->crtcs_len * sizeof(*res->crtcs)
            if (res->crtcs == 0) {
                return 0;
        if (res->connectors_len > 0) {
            res->connectors = alloc(
                res->connectors_len * sizeof(*res->connectors)
            if (res->connectors == 0) {
                return 0;
        if (res->encoders_len > 0) {
            res->encoders = alloc(
                res->encoders_len * sizeof(*res->encoders)
            if (res->encoders == 0) {
                return 0;

        error = ioctl(
            (char *)res
        if (error != 0) {
            return 0;
    } while (
        prev_res.fbs_len < res->fbs_len ||
        prev_res.crtcs_len < res->crtcs_len ||
        prev_res.connectors_len < res->connectors_len ||
        prev_res.encoders_len < res->encoders_len

    *arena = temp_arena;
    return res;
enum main_error {

i32 main(i32 argc, char **argv) {
    i64 arena_size = 2000 * 4096;
    char *mem = mmap(
    if (mem == 0) {
        return MAIN_ERROR_MMAP;

    struct arena arena = { .start = mem, .end = mem + arena_size };

    i32 card_fd = open("/dev/dri/card0", O_RDWR, 0);
    if (card_fd < 0) {
        return MAIN_ERROR_OPEN_CARD0;

    struct drm_mode_resources *res = drm_mode_get_resources(&arena, card_fd);
    if (res == 0) {

    return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;

To get the card resources we first need to allocate arrays to store ids for frame buffers, crtcs, connectors, and encoders. We make an initial ioctl call to discover the size of each array, then we allocate each array. Finally, we make a second ioctl call to populate the arrays with data.

Unfortunately, it may be the case that the array sizes changed between the two ioctl calls such that they no longer fit in the space we allocated. In this case the OS will not have populated the arrays, but instead will have simply modified the length entries. We'll have to discard the allocated memory and start again if this happens. Only once the second ioctl call has successfully populated the arrays do we commit the memory allocations by setting the permanent arena equal to our temp_arena.

With our video card resources successfully retrieved, we need to find a valid connector.

enum drm_ioctl {
enum drm_mode {

struct drm_mode_modeinfo {
    u32 clock;

    u16 hdisplay;
    u16 hsync_start;
    u16 hsync_end;
    u16 htotal;
    u16 hskew;

    u16 vdisplay;
    u16 vsync_start;
    u16 vsync_end;
    u16 vtotal;
    u16 vscan;

    u32 vrefresh;

    u32 flags;
    u32 type;
    char name[32];

struct drm_mode_connector {
    u32 *encoders;
    struct drm_mode_modeinfo *modes;
    u32 *props;
    u64 *prop_values;

    u32 modes_len;
    u32 props_len;
    u32 encoders_len;

    u32 encoder_id;
    u32 connector_id;

    u32 connector_type;
    u32 connector_type_id;
    u32 connection;
    u32 mm_width;
    u32 mm_height;
    u32 subpixel;
    u32 pad;

static struct drm_mode_connector *drm_mode_get_connector(
    struct arena *arena,
    i32 fd,
    u32 connector_id
) {
    struct drm_mode_connector prev_conn;
    struct drm_mode_connector *conn;
    struct arena temp_arena;
    i32 error;

    do {
        temp_arena = *arena;
        conn = alloc(&temp_arena, sizeof(*conn));
        if (conn == 0) {
            return 0;
        conn->connector_id = connector_id;
        error = ioctl(
            (char *)conn
        if (error != 0) {
            return 0;

        prev_conn = *conn;

        if (conn->props_len > 0) {
            conn->props = alloc(
                conn->props_len * sizeof(*conn->props)
            conn->prop_values = alloc(
                conn->props_len * sizeof(*conn->prop_values)
            if (conn->props == 0 || conn->prop_values == 0) {
                return 0;
        if (conn->modes_len > 0) {
            conn->modes = alloc(
                conn->modes_len * sizeof(*conn->modes)
            if (conn->modes == 0) {
                return 0;
        if (conn->encoders_len > 0) {
            conn->encoders = alloc(
                conn->encoders_len * sizeof(*conn->encoders)
            if (conn->encoders == 0) {
                return 0;

        error = ioctl(
            (char *)conn
        if (error != 0) {
            return 0;
    } while (
        prev_conn.props_len < conn->props_len ||
        prev_conn.modes_len < conn->modes_len ||
        prev_conn.encoders_len < conn->encoders_len

    *arena = temp_arena;
    return conn;

The drm_mode_get_connector function works in an almost identical way to drm_mode_get_resources.

To find a connector to draw to we’ll need to loop over the available connectors until we hit one that is connected and has at least one valid display mode.

enum main_error {
    // ...
    u32 conn_index;
    struct drm_mode_connector *conn = 0;
    for (conn_index = 0; conn_index < res->connectors_len; ++conn_index) {
        conn = drm_mode_get_connector(
        if (conn == 0) {
        if (conn->connection == DRM_MODE_CONNECTED && conn->modes_len != 0) {
    if (conn_index == res->connectors_len || conn == 0) {

We can retreive an encoder in a similar manner.

enum drm_ioctl {
struct drm_mode_encoder {
    u32 encoder_id;
    u32 encoder_type;

    u32 crtc_id;

    u32 possible_crtcs;
    u32 possible_clones;

static struct drm_mode_encoder *drm_mode_get_encoder(
    struct arena *arena,
    i32 fd,
    u32 encoder_id
) {
    struct arena temp_arena = *arena;
    struct drm_mode_encoder *enc = 0;

    enc = alloc(&temp_arena, sizeof(*enc));
    if (enc == 0) {
        return 0;

    enc->encoder_id = encoder_id;
    i32 error = ioctl(
        (char *)enc
    if (error != 0) {
        return 0;

    *arena = temp_arena;
    return enc;
enum main_error {
    // ...
    struct drm_mode_encoder *enc = drm_mode_get_encoder(
    if (enc == 0) {

In order to draw pixels to the screen we will be creating a “dumb buffer” that contains an array of 32 bit pixels sized according to the resolution of the display mode.

Dumb buffers are so named because they ask the driver to naively copy pixel data from CPU memory to the display and do not take advantage of graphics acceleration hardware. Drawing to the screen with GPU hardware requires specific ioctl APIs that differ significantly depending on the type of graphics card used. Such GPU APIs involve a lot more work to set up than the simple pixel arrays that we will use.

enum drm_ioctl {
struct drm_mode_create_dumb {
    u32 height;
    u32 width;
    u32 bpp;
    u32 flags;
    u32 handle;
    u32 pitch;
    u64 size;

struct drm_mode_map_dumb {
    u32 handle;
    u32 pad;
    i64 offset;

struct drm_mode_fb_cmd {
    u32 fb_id;
    u32 width;
    u32 height;
    u32 pitch;
    u32 bpp;
    u32 depth;
    u32 handle;

struct drm_mode_dumb_buffer {
    u32 width;
    u32 height;
    u32 stride;
    u32 handle;
    u32 fb_id;
    u32 *map;
    u64 size;

static struct drm_mode_dumb_buffer *drm_mode_create_dumb_buffer(
    struct arena *arena,
    i32 fd,
    u32 width,
    u32 height
) {
    struct drm_mode_create_dumb creq = {
        .width = width,
        .height = height,
        .bpp = 32,
    i32 error = ioctl(
        (char *)&creq
    if (error != 0) {
        return 0;

    struct drm_mode_fb_cmd fb_cmd = {
        .width = width,
        .height = height,
        .pitch = creq.pitch,
        .bpp = 32,
        .depth = 24,
        .handle = creq.handle,
    error = ioctl(
        (char *)&fb_cmd
    if (error != 0) {
        return 0;

    struct drm_mode_map_dumb mreq = { .handle = creq.handle };
    error = ioctl(
        (char *)&mreq
    if (error != 0) {
        return 0;

    u32 *mem = mmap(
    if (mem == 0) {
        return 0;

    struct drm_mode_dumb_buffer *buf = alloc(arena, sizeof(*buf));
    buf->width = width;
    buf->height = height;
    buf->stride = creq.pitch / sizeof(u32);
    buf->size = creq.size / sizeof(u32);
    buf->handle = creq.handle;
    buf->map = mem;
    buf->fb_id = fb_cmd.fb_id;

    for (u64 i = 0; i < buf->size; ++i) {
        buf->map[i] = 0;

    return buf;
enum main_error {
    // ...
    struct drm_mode_dumb_buffer *buf = drm_mode_create_dumb_buffer(
    if (buf == 0) {

The last step before we can see pixels on the screen is to get a CRTC and attach the dumb frame buffer that we just created.

enum drm_ioctl {
struct drm_mode_crtc {
    u32 *set_connectors;
    u32 connectors_len;

    u32 crtc_id;
    u32 fb_id;

    u32 x;
    u32 y;

    u32 gamma_size;
    u32 mode_valid;
    struct drm_mode_modeinfo mode;

static struct drm_mode_crtc *drm_mode_get_crtc(
    struct arena *arena,
    i32 fd,
    u32 crtc_id
) {
    struct arena temp_arena = *arena;
    struct drm_mode_crtc *crtc = 0;

    crtc = alloc(&temp_arena, sizeof(*crtc));
    if (crtc == 0) {
        return 0;

    crtc->crtc_id = crtc_id;
    i32 error = ioctl(
        (char *)crtc
    if (error != 0) {
        return 0;

    *arena = temp_arena;
    return crtc;

static i32 drm_mode_set_crtc(
    i32 fd,
    struct drm_mode_crtc *crtc,
    u32 *connectors,
    u32 connectors_len,
    u32 fb_id
) {
    crtc->set_connectors = connectors;
    crtc->connectors_len = connectors_len;
    crtc->fb_id = fb_id;
    return ioctl(
        (char *)crtc
enum main_error {
    // ...
    struct drm_mode_crtc *crtc = drm_mode_get_crtc(
    if (crtc == 0) {
        return MAIN_ERROR_DRM_GET_CRTC;

    crtc->mode = conn->modes[0];

    i32 error = drm_mode_set_crtc(
    if (error != 0) {
        return MAIN_ERROR_DRM_SET_CRTC;

Finally, we can add our keyboard event loop back in and insert code to write color values to the dumb buffer pixels.

    struct timespec last, now;
    error = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &last);
    if (error) {

    i32 keyboards[32];
    i32 keyboards_len = open_keyboards(
        sizeof(keyboards) / sizeof(*keyboards)
    if (keyboards_len <= 0) {

    struct input_event keyboard_events[32];
    struct pollfd keyboard_pollfds[32];
    for (i32 i = 0; i < keyboards_len; ++i) {
        keyboard_pollfds[i].fd = keyboards[i];
        keyboard_pollfds[i].events = POLLIN;

    u32 color = 0;
    while (1) {
        i64 events = poll(keyboard_pollfds, keyboards_len, 0);
        if (events < 0) {
            return MAIN_ERROR_POLL;

        for (i32 i = 0; i < keyboards_len; ++i) {
            if (keyboard_pollfds[i].revents == 0) {
            i32 keyboard_fd = keyboard_pollfds[i].fd;

            i64 len = read(
                (char *)keyboard_events,
            if (len < 0) {
                return MAIN_ERROR_READ_KEYBOARD;

            for (i32 i = 0; i < len / (i64)sizeof(*keyboard_events); ++i) {
                struct input_event *keyboard_event = &keyboard_events[i];
                if (keyboard_event->type == 1 && keyboard_event->value == 1) {
                    switch (keyboard_event->code) {
                        case KEY_ESC:
                            return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;

        i32 error = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
        if (error) {
            return MAIN_ERROR_CLOCK_GETTIME;

        if (time_since_ns(&now, &last) >= 100L * 1000L * 1000L) {
            last = now;

            color += 5;
            for (u32 i = 0; i < buf->size; ++i) {
                buf->map[i] = color;

The program should fill the screen with a color that slowly changes from black to blue and exits when the user presses ESC.

Gaming at last: drawing the game state

We are going to create a game that loosely resembles Snake or the LightCycle game from Tron. The player will constantly be moving in one of the four cardinal directions, leaving a trail behind them. If they ever hit the trail or if they hit the edge of the screen, then the game is over. The direction of movement can be controlled by pressing the W, A, S, D keys. As with all of the programs above, the game will exit if the user presses ESC.

We don’t know the resolution of the screen that our game will run on, so we will use a 90x90 grid of squares for internal game logic. Each grid square will store 0 to indicate that it is empty or 1 to indicate that the player has left a trail there.

The game state will update 30 times per second and on each update the player will move 1 square in the direction of their current velocity. The game will also render to the screen each update. The maximum integer multiple of a 90x90 grid that fits inside the screen resolution will be computed and then a scaled version of the game board will be drawn into the dumb buffer memory.

enum color {
    COLOR_BLUE = 0x0000ff,
    COLOR_GRAY = 0xededed

struct game_state {
    i32 x;
    i32 y;
    i32 vx;
    i32 vy;
    i32 dead;
    char board[90 * 90];

static void update_game(struct game_state *state) {
    state->board[state->y * 90 + state->x] = 1;
    state->y += state->vy;
    state->x += state->vx;

    if (
        state->board[state->y * 90 + state->x] != 0 ||
        state->x == 89 ||
        state->x == 0 ||
        state->y == 89 ||
        state->y == 0
    ) {
        state->dead = 1;

    state->board[state->y * 90 + state->x] = 1;

static void draw_game(
    struct drm_mode_dumb_buffer *buf,
    struct game_state *state,
    u32 x,
    u32 y,
    u32 scale
) {
    for (u32 i = 0; i < 90; ++i) {
        for (u32 yoff = 0; yoff < scale; ++yoff) {
            u32 cy = cy = y + i * scale + yoff;
            for (u32 j = 0; j < 90; ++j) {
                for (u32 xoff = 0; xoff < scale; ++xoff) {
                    u32 cx = x + j * scale + xoff;
                    u32 pixel_index = cy * buf->stride + cx;
                    if (state->board[i * 90 + j] == 0) {
                        buf->map[pixel_index] = (u32)COLOR_GRAY;
                    } else {
                        buf->map[pixel_index] = (u32)COLOR_BLUE;
enum main_error {
    // ...
    u32 square_len = (buf->height > buf->width) ? buf->width : buf->height;
    u32 scale = square_len / 90;
    u32 board_size = square_len - (square_len % 90);
    u32 board_x = (buf->width / 2) - (board_size / 2);
    u32 board_y = (buf->height / 2) - (board_size / 2);

    struct game_state game_state;

    while (1) {
        poll(keyboard_pollfds, keyboards_len, 0);
        for (i32 i = 0; i < keyboards_len; ++i) {
            if (keyboard_pollfds[i].revents == 0) {

            i32 keyboard_fd = keyboard_pollfds[i].fd;

            i64 len = read(
                (char *)keyboard_events,
            if (len < 0) {
                return MAIN_ERROR_READ_KEYBOARD;

            for (i32 j = 0; j < len / (i64)sizeof(*keyboard_events); ++j) {
                struct input_event *keyboard_event = &keyboard_events[j];
                if (keyboard_event->type != 1 || keyboard_event->value != 1) {

                switch (keyboard_event->code) {
                    case KEY_ESC:
                        return MAIN_ERROR_NONE;
                    case KEY_A:
                        if (game_state.vx <= 0) {
                            game_state.vx = -1;
                            game_state.vy = 0;
                    case KEY_D:
                        if (game_state.vx >= 0) {
                            game_state.vx = 1;
                            game_state.vy = 0;
                    case KEY_W:
                        if (game_state.vy <= 0) {
                            game_state.vx = 0;
                            game_state.vy = -1;
                    case KEY_S:
                        if (game_state.vy >= 0) {
                            game_state.vx = 0;
                            game_state.vy = 1;

        error = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
        if (error !=0) {
            return MAIN_ERROR_CLOCK_GETTIME;

        if (time_since_ns(&now, &last) > 33L * 1000L * 1000L) {
            last = now;
            draw_game(buf, &game_state, board_x, board_y, scale);

            if (game_state.dead) {

Enjoy DumbCycling!

Avoiding partial updates: double buffering

It’s good practice to draw game updates into a buffer that isn’t currently being displayed to the screen so that a partial screen state is never visible. To accomplish this we simply need to create a second dumb frame buffer and swap the buffers every frame by calling drm_mode_set_crtc.

    u32 buf_index = 0;
    struct drm_mode_dumb_buffer *bufs[2];
    bufs[0] = drm_mode_create_dumb_buffer(
        &arena, card_fd, conn->modes[0].hdisplay, conn->modes[0].vdisplay
    bufs[1] = drm_mode_create_dumb_buffer(
        &arena, card_fd, conn->modes[0].hdisplay, conn->modes[0].vdisplay
    if (bufs[0] == 0 || bufs[1] == 0) {
    i32 error = drm_mode_set_crtc(
    if (error != 0) {
        return MAIN_ERROR_DRM_SET_CRTC;
    buf_index ^= 1;
    u32 width = bufs[0]->width;
    u32 height = bufs[0]->height;
    u32 square_len = (height > width) ? width : height;
    u32 scale = square_len / 90;
    u32 board_size = square_len - (square_len % 90);
    u32 board_x = (width / 2) - (board_size / 2);
    u32 board_y = (height / 2) - (board_size / 2);
        if (time_since_ns(&now, &last) >= 33L * 1000L * 1000L) {
            last = now;

            draw_game(bufs[buf_index], &game_state, board_x, board_y, scale);

            if (game_state.dead) {

            error = drm_mode_set_crtc(
            if (error != 0) {
                return MAIN_ERROR_DRM_SET_CRTC;
            buf_index ^= 1;

Now you can enjoy DumbCycling without screen tears!